This is what it's all about - 10 (Well, less than 15 after buying sushi) minutes from the office (by bike) and I'm sitting here taking it in
(I already put this on twitvid but, you know, they're complaining about 'meltdown' or something from all the views it's getting - and besides it's more 'Bike Bloggy')
After chilling at the Chair for a spell I footled to AGNSW to see their new Cezanne acquisition - 'Bords de la Marne'
'Genius' apparently so I gave it some time - and, you know, the more I looked the more I saw - cool...

Then before leaving I also snuck a peak at the way-too-small Sydney Long 'focus' exhibition - at least his lovely 'Pan' pic was featured, nice and low - first time I've really noticed the reeds in the foreground - nobody does sinuous plant growth like Sydney