Thursday, August 20, 2009

Vertically Challenged

I admit it - I can't just walk 'round the city without seeing what I can do that's - I dunno - more than just walkin' 'round the city...
One, probably childish, thing I do is look at a building and wonder how high up it I can go and what the view would be like... it's my 'vertical challenge'

(without resorting to this guy's method)
These days, there's loads of tiresome foyer security and other nonsense so it's not all plain sailing (not like the time a friend & I went to the top floor of Australia Square and played frisbee - THAT was a long time ago...)
Generally the rules are pretty much the same as getting into a nightclub - look as though you belong there and you're in!
I usually eyeball the directory for tenants on the top couple of floors and head up - if quizzed on arrival just say "I'm looking for blah blah" - for an interview is a good excuse...
8 times out of 10, though, you're not challenged
7 of those 8 times, however, you face a featureless hall with no view - waste 

Not this time - straight up to 21st floor of HSBC - (A 'college'... they expect strangers) 

Walk right in (pick up a brochure and look engrossed) walk over to window - bada bing! Hey, I can see my house from here!

This establishment even had a help-yourself cafe - free coffee and bikkies - and look at the view from their tables!
Well, I told you it was childish but what did you do at lunch today?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What's going on here?

Walking along a familiar route up Pitt St when I realised that this totally funky Deco building was... A] Boarded up &
B] Lit up

What's going on?

"The Metropolitan Water, Sewerage & Drainage Board" - right in the middle of town - obviously a big deal once (and, look - flowers)

It's a beaut, classic design... with its terra cotta cladding - and check out those reliefs (above the big doors)

The sign on the heavy iron doors said 'Can't get in here? Go to to Bathurst St entry"

However - at Bathurst St the entry was - and clearly had been for some time - unmanned

As was 'Customer Service'

So, let's Google...

Media release: "22 May 2009 Sydney Water now at home in Parramatta"


"1,400 staff had relocated to the Parramatta office from Sydney Water's former head office in Bathurst Street, Sydney"


"Sydney Water's Bathurst Street site sold for $140 million. The Parramatta site cost around $15 million in 2003. Brookfield Multiplex owns the new building, and Sydney Water rents office space. A 2005 study estimated it would cost $58 million to renovate the Bathurst Street building, which was built in the 1960's."

Well, well - but who's in there now?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Breathtaking Bridge

Why breathtaking? Well, for a start it was a bloody strong headwind this morning - on top of a long uphill... (still faster than the traffic, though)

But frankly it's made worthwhile when I see this kind of view every morning
The sun blinking on t'harbour, the hazy outline of the coathanger & all that
Actually I don't usually notice all these bars - they're generally a barely visible blur as I whiz by
This point is about exactly halfway to work btw

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Passport to Paddington

It's a relatively handy bike trip to Paddo from Chinatown (admittedly uphill all the way)

My main reason this time was to snap this graffiti - but I missed its previous glory (it was a lot less sinister) - it had evolved... but I guess that's the nature of temporary street art

For the Syd Barrett trainspotters: the piece was seen here ("Arnold Layne, had a strange hobby...")

And on same building 'round the corner, this work - v. competent (it's a cool vinyl record shop for DJ's)

Then up on to Crown St to pick up some Maltese pastizzi for lunch (20 yummy fillings to choose)

Then slogged up hill to Australian Centre of Photography - which was closed 'cos it was Monday
Oh well, this renovation job next door was interesting  

Before heading back, strolled past recently opened Paddington Reserve (site of old reservoir) Town Hall in bkgd for reference

It's actually a fascinating site - looks positively archaeological, check out these pillars etc
From there it was very fast, all downhill trip on the Oxford St express back to work! 

Sunday, August 9, 2009

QVB Rendezvous

All you regular readers of the trouserbonanza twitter will know that I wonder how most people get anywhere at the pace they walk 'round the CBD
This is my regular walking speed (with the soundtrack that's usually playing in head) and I never feel like I have much time to languish at my destination.