I admit it - I can't just walk 'round the city without seeing what I can do that's - I dunno - more than just walkin' 'round the city...
One, probably childish, thing I do is look at a building and wonder how high up it I can go and what the view would be like... it's my 'vertical challenge'

(without resorting to this guy's method)
These days, there's loads of tiresome foyer security and other nonsense so it's not all plain sailing (not like the time a friend & I went to the top floor of Australia Square and played frisbee - THAT was a long time ago...)
Generally the rules are pretty much the same as getting into a nightclub - look as though you belong there and you're in!
I usually eyeball the directory for tenants on the top couple of floors and head up - if quizzed on arrival just say "I'm looking for blah blah" - for an interview is a good excuse...
8 times out of 10, though, you're not challenged
7 of those 8 times, however, you face a featureless hall with no view - waste

Not this time - straight up to 21st floor of HSBC - (A 'college'... they expect strangers)

Walk right in (pick up a brochure and look engrossed) walk over to window - bada bing! Hey, I can see my house from here!

This establishment even had a help-yourself cafe - free coffee and bikkies - and look at the view from their tables!
Well, I told you it was childish but what did you do at lunch today?
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